Saturday, October 19, 2013

Song #90 - "If You Wanna Be Happy" - Jimmy Soul

#1 for weeks of May 18 and 25th, 1963. 

     This is one of those songs which I certainly recognize even though I didn't know who the artist was. "If You Wanna Be Happy" is the first song on this list which has a distinctive Caribbean feel. In this case, the song is based on an old Calypso song "Ugly Woman". Was it a deserved #1 hit? Let's find out...

     Jimmy Soul has an interesting backstory. He started out very evangelical and even became a preacher at the mere age of seven. Despite this commitment, "If You Wanna Be Happy" is very much a secular song. Although I will say that due to the very upbeat nature of the tune, you could easily reconfigure it lyrically to be a gospel song. 

     The song's lyrics, which again are based on an old Calypso song from the 1930's are rather humorous, with the moral being "Marry an ugly girl because you'll be happier in life". Definitely not something you'd expect to hear someone singing on the radio. It is refreshing though to hear a song which doesn't take itself too seriously. 

     Vocally, Jimmy Soul mostly keeps his voice restrained, except for some really high ranged vocals towards the end of the song. The backing singers, who are prominent throughout the song, slowly start to fade into the music as the song nears an end. Musically I didn't find any major standout instruments, although there is a prominent percussive backbeat throughout the song which further enhances its Caribbean feel. 

     This would be Jimmy Soul's final hit single and due to his later lack of success, he ended up enlisting in the army, never again recording any new songs. Today, the song is a bit forgotten, and not the first song people think of when 1963 comes to mind. With that being said, the song is light-hearted and entertaining enough to dig up and hear fresh again. Perhaps it became a number one because people wanted something to cheer them up a little. Well, if that was what Mr. Soul was aiming for, he succeeded. 

Final Verdict - A buried gem for sure, and one that will probably have you tapping your toes while you listen to it. Give it a listen, and maybe you'll be happy too. 

               Coming Up Next - "It's My Party" by Lesley Gore. 

       Until Next Time - If You Wanna Be Happy, stick with Dr. Rock!

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