Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Song #25 - "Running Bear" - Johnny Preston

#1 for weeks of January 18, 25, and February 1st, 1960. 

     Just with those first few seconds of the song, you can tell it has not only aged poorly, but would never have been recorded in modern times. I guess once you see, Little Big Man, one can't help but get more than a little uncomfortable at the "Mock Indian chanting" and "Hoomba hoomba's" in the song's verses. 

     So much for the uncomfortable aspects. Actually, this song is credited to one J. P. Richardson, aka The Big Bopper. Turns out this song was recorded in December 1958, two months before Richardson perished along with Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens. It was released in mid 1959 and gradually crept its way up to #1 early in 1960. Not only that, but it's apparently Richardson who is responsible for the, "Hoomba hoomba" chanting in the verses. 

     Well, ignore that aspect of the song and underneath it, you have a pleasant tune which describes a Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story-like tale between two Native American lovers and their rival families. The choruses of the song, where the chanting vocals are replaced by regular backing vocals and a screaming sax are much better. Even then, I find that gradually the questionable backing vocals in the verses get a bit more tolerable as the song goes on, although not so much the ending. 

     This song is definitely more of a novelty song, which is what Richardson was known for before he died. By the middle point of the song, the novelty factor becomes less prominent, reemerging full force during the fadeout. Despite these factors, the overall melody of the tune is pleasant enough and Johnny Preston does a good job at singing the song too. So despite its campiness and now dated aspects, it's not too bad a song, although it can certainly sound uncomfortable in places. Still, one must remember this was a time period before being politically correct was a big deal. 

Final Verdict - While it's not a very well aged song, and it may even offend some people, "Running Bear", has a decent enough melody despite its campiness. It's the last hit that The Big Bopper would ever have and for that, you should check the song out, although mostly as a curiosity. 

                  Coming Up Next - "Teen Angel" by Mark Dinning. 

                              Until Next Time - Dr. Rock - 

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