Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Song #46 - "Pony Time" - Chubby Checker

#1 for weeks of February 27th, and March 6 and 13th, 1961. 

     One normally shouldn't repeat the same trick twice, especially if they're more of a one trick pony. Corny pun aside, Chubby Checker's "Pony Time" proves that he would forever be cast in the shadow of "The Twist". It seems it was as early as 1961 that the dance music craze was getting stale. 

     Even though I hadn't heard this song before, I didn't need to. It is nearly identical musically to "The Twist"! The only major changes are that the song has more of a bouncy rhythm, is in a different key, and features more involved backing vocals. However, the sheer lack of originality and the fact that it is such a carbon copy of "The Twist" is what makes the song so inessential. 

     Unlike "The Twist", "Pony Time" is clearly meant to be a song strictly to dance to, with instructional lyrics corresponding to how the listener is supposed to do the dance. There is absolutely no resonance or deep message to the song as it's just a mostly throwaway dancing number. Well, at least it's devoid of such torments such as auto-tune, guest rapping, and washed up, over-sexualized former Disney stars doing moronic dance moves on national TV!

     I guess when put in comparison to today's dance music, it certainly is enjoyable and it certainly has a good melody, although one that already belongs to a superior song. However, this is early 1961 and in a year that brought us Bob Dylan's first album, it hardly can be considered a lasting tune. 

Final Verdict - "The Twist" was voted a good song because not only does it have a great melody, but it was fresh. "Pony Time" is such a carbon copy which offers so few new ideas that it fails to make an impression on me. You can pass on this one and put on Chubby's much more acclaimed hit instead. 

                        Coming Up Next - "Surrender" by Elvis. 

  Until Next Time - I'm Dr. Rock, and I don't come with dancing instructions. 

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