Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Song #27 - "Theme From A Summer Place" - Percy Faith

#1 for weeks of February 22, and 29, March 7, 14, 21, and 28, and April 4, 11, and 18, 1960. 

     We have a new record for longest time spent on top of the Billboard Hot 100. In fact, I purposely write out each individual week for each of these songs to give you an idea of just how long the song remained at #1. 

     Even if you don't know this particular song by name or artist, I can almost guarantee you have heard it before. "Theme From A Summer Place", is Percy Faith's cover of what was originally the most iconic song for the movie, A Summer Place. The song is now much more commonly associated with being used in movies such as Animal House, and Tim Burton's Batman. "Theme", has certainly outlived the film it originates from.

     Musically, the song is perhaps the king of inoffensive easy listening, with a full orchestra and many spotlighted instruments such as French horn and flutes. However, due to its rather timeless nature, no doubt helped by its use in many films over the years, the song is really quite impossible to hate. During the time period the song was a hit, it would have been the epitome of a slow dance number, and in modern times, it works as nice mood music. Hey, just because something is gentle, non-complicated, and easy to listen to, doesn't mean it's bad. Sometimes we need softer tunes.

Final Verdict - Really there's not much else to say about this song. Nearly everybody's heard it, and it is very universally accepted. Even though the song is probably permanently buried in your subconscious due to its massive exposure over the years, it is still a very pleasant piece of music to hear. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like watching Animal House!

                     Coming Up Next - "Stuck On You" by Elvis. 

                            Until Next Time - Dr. Rock - 


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